- About
- Activities
- News
- CS INNO HUB – the place and the space where students can validate and start implementing entrepreneurial ideas
- News archive
- The IVAP EIT HEI Initiative workshop also had a representative from InnoChange project
- UPJŠ TRAINING PROGRAM From idea to business (Innovation & Entrepreneurship Course/ I&E)
- Commissioner Gabriel meets the InnoChange project
- HEI Initiative Sensemaking workshop, Bologna 30 November – 1 December 2022
- Barbara Hegyi at OpenU Conference in Paris
- Prof. Simona Motogna at the Romania Info Day 21 October 2022
- ELTE-IK Innovation & Entrepreneurship Course (I&E)
- IVAP Workshop 5 – 6 July, 2022 Barcelona
- DEMO DAY 9 June 2022
- UIIN Amsterdam
- Rectors’ Conference
- Towards the implementation of the third-generation research university model
- InnoHUB at BBU – Imagine Better!
- Asynchronous online basic entrepreneurship course for all ELTE students
- InnoChange IdeaHack
- Prof. Simona Motogna participated at Green and digital transition
- Project launch meeting
- Project public kick-off
- Skyrocketing student numbers
- Join #InnoChangeProject
- Online Hackathon
- Media outreach
- Gallery
- Insight to the Summer School in the USA
- The IVAP EIT HEI Initiative workshop also had a representative from InnoChange project
- UPJŠ TRAINING PROGRAM From idea to business (Innovation & Entrepreneurship Course/ I&E)
- HEI Initiative Sensemaking workshop
- IVAP Workshop
- UIIN Conference
- Rector’s Conference
- KZP – Kreativita, zodpovednosť a podnikanie 2022/2023