UPJŠ TRAINING PROGRAM From idea to business (Innovation & Entrepreneurship Course/ I&E)
In the summer semester of the 2022/2023, the training program From Idea to Entrepreneurship (Creativity, Responsibility, Entrepreneurship) took place within the EIT-Digital – InnoChange project. The main aim of the program was forming an entrepreneurial mindset and creativity of students. Due to the specifically designed tasks on creativity and individual challenges, students became familiar with the logic of creating ideas, challenges that come with opening a new business and responsibilities that come with invention and new technologies.
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An approach to partnership building
Creativity, responsibility and entrepreneurship is an asynchronous online course in the InnoChange project, with one onsite event where students work in randomly distributed teams.
We organized the live event in the form of an idea competition where teams introduced innovative solutions to tackle the problems of isolation.
The event brought not only the good ideas but also the participants’ enthusiasm.
InnoHack at BBU, 26 – 27 November 2022

FRC Acceleration program
As a continuation of the “Startup Acceleration Shadowing” activities started in Phase I of the InnoChange program, professionals tasked with managing innovation processes at our four participating universities got the opportunity of learning first-hand from and about one of Europe’s top startup accelerators, Fil Rouge Capital (FRC).
In particular, the opportunity was extended to innovation managers/scouts, as well as a wider circle of academic and non-academic staff involved, or at least interested in, business creation activities at our respective institutions of higher education.
The participants of the “Shadowing Activity” had a chance to attend (i) thematic webinars on topics such as how to de-risk the fundraising process, how to operationally manage the fundraising process, how to avoid/minimize founder conflict, etc.; (ii) pitch training sessions, where the pitch presentations of FRC’s portfolio companies were dissected, analyzed, and iteratively improved by FRC’s expert team; (iii) mentor office hours, where FRC portfolio companies could seek advice from individual FRC’s expert team members in one-on-one sessions, and (iv) the Demo Day of the 2022 Fall Acceleration Program of FRC.
Altogether, more than a dozen representatives of the four InnoChange universities attended more than three dozens of FRC activities in the framework of this Shadowing opportunity. This on top of the startup teams who were delegated into the 2022 FRC Fall Acceleration Program by our four universities for a bone fide full participation in the Program.

Demo Day of Fil Rouge Capital’s 2022 Fall Acceleration Program 16 October 2022
It was a special learning experience for the representatives of the four InnoChange partner universities to attend the online Demo Day of Fil Rouge Capital’s 2022 Fall Acceleration Program, and especially to also witness the preparations of the FRC portfolio companies for the big event, led by FRC’s expert team.
While it was a great opportunity for the innovation-focused colleagues at the four universities who could “shadow” the FRC Acceleration Program (see previous post), it was an even bigger deal for the startup teams which were delegated into the Program by our universities as full participants, namely EastSmart and Snood from Universitate Babeș-Bolyai (BBU), Alpha Generation Lab from ELTE, Tecive and Skillup from Heriot-Watt University (HWU), and one from Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (UPJŠ).
While not all six InnoChange teams could get all the way to in fact pitching at the Demo Day, they all benefited a lot from taking part in the FRC Acceleration Program, and those who did stay the entire course, could reap in the extra benefit of having a battle-trained pitch presentation and the attention of dozens of venture investors who showed up at the Demo Day, or watched the pitch videos thereafter.
Demo Day 9 June 2022
Over the course of the Demo Day the participants presented their ideas and projects in which they were involved.
The Demo Day was held online, on the Zoom platform, where the participants enjoyed the experience with events both on the Main Room and in assigned virtual rooms, along with their mentors and judges.

Students’ registration Creativity, responsibility and entrepreneurship course, ELTE-IK Innovation & Entrepreneurship Course (I&E)
If you are an ELTE student and want to be notified about the Creativity, responsibility and entrepreneurship course, please give your name, e-mail address, Neptun code, name of (main) ELTE Faculty below.
By filling in the form you also request taking the course in the Neptun system.
If you are NOT an ELTE student, please fill out this form. If your have any questions, please contact Linda Szanto at szantolinda@inf.elte.hu or fill out the box at the bottom of this page.
Asynchronous online basic entrepreneurship course for all ELTE students
Would you like to know how you can turn problems into opportunities?
Are you interested in creating innovative products or solutions or just innovating at your company? Did you ever detect why promising ideas fail? Do you think that the most important solutions have to consider their social impact, either?
If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, join the Creativity, responsibility, and entrepreneurship elective course (IKP-9288) and start your adventure with your fellow students from different faculties and universities. Register here.
Online Hackathon
We invite students from different background that have ideas, have expertise, want to work in a team and compete with other students.
The solutions will be evaluated based on final 3 minutes pitch considering the criteria:
Concept and Innovation – 30p
Business Model – 20p
Market study – 10p
Presentation – 20p
Team work – 10p
Technical advantage – 10p
InnoChange IdeaHack
Have some fun while developing ideas for innovation in the food industry!
Read moreI&E Education of students
Teamwork activities
Pitching, teamwork goes hand in hand with
During the InE LIVE sessions, students’ of the EIT HEI InnoChange project had the chance to form –
multidisciplinary and international student teams (student classrooms) and develop their innovative
ideas, presentations.
OPA – Online Pre-Accelerator program for startup teams
Online Pre-Accelerator
This Online Pre-Accelerator activity is directed at new teams of young researchers and
entrepreneurs created within the five partner Higher Education Institutes (HEIs). The OPA is an 8-week long online program with occasional mentoring sessions, weekly assignments, and a virtual Demo Day at the end of the program with the option to proceed to a full-time acceleration
program, and it is designed to help startups in a very early stage to test their idea and to get
prepared for scaling it internationally. Upon successfully completing the OPA, the best startup teams should be ready to apply for one of the investment-based SWG accelerator programs, if interested. An OPA activity ended by DEMO DAY.
Mentors and scouts
In order to build the Innovation Task Force team of each university , our colleagues from WP3
offered two workshops for training our scouts and mentors.
Social impact and social responsibility of innovation venture 27 November 2022
Creativity, responsibility and entrepreneurship is an asynchronous online course in the InnoChange project, with one onsite event held on 27 November 2022 in Budapest where students work in randomly distributed teams.
We organized the live event in the form of an idea competition where teams introduced innovative solutions to tackle the problems of isolation.
The event brought not the good ideas but also the participants’ enthusiasm.