Author: Simona Rindošová

Driving Change and Capacity Building Towards Innovative, Entrepreneurial Universities

Towards the implementation of the third-generation research university model – innovation capacity building at Central and Eastern European universities

On the 27th of April, 2022, the leadership of five European universities met at the EIT Digital Budapest Co-Location Centre on the Campus of Eötvös Loránd University as part of one of the pilot projects launched within the EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) HEI Initiative to unlock the innovation potential of higher education …

Asynchronous online basic entrepreneurship course for all ELTE students

Would you like to know how you can turn problems into opportunities?Are you interested in creating innovative products or solutions or just innovating at your company? Did you ever detect why promising ideas fail? Do you think that the most important solutions have to consider their social impact, either? If your answer is yes to …