Skyrocketing student numbers at the new EIT HEI InnoChange I&E course called „Creativity, responsibility and entrepreneurship”

The new project of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Higher Education Initiative (EIT HEI) called InnoChange: Driving Change and Capacity Building Towards Innovative, Entrepreneurial Universities, aims to increase the entrepreneurial and innovation capacity and attitude of higher education institutions (HEIs) and to strengthen innovation ecosystems in Central-, and Eastern Europe to better integrate them into and engage them with Europe.
Amongst the various activities, a new Innovation and Entrepreneurship course is provided and being further developed jointly with InnoChange partner institution faculty.
Initially InnoChange project aimed to train 130 students; in the first application nearly 300 applications arrived! There is a place for everyone.
The online course was launched on the 14th of October – with a first game for the participants, as some of the participants are still arriving on the online platform.
EIT HEI InnoChange Project; brings together four higher education institutions from Central and Eastern Europe and the Heriot-Watt University from the UK with its campuses in Dubai and Malaysia.
This truly European Project brings together professionals and students from many EU and non-EU countries to increase innovation as one of the impacts of the project.
Let the learning, networking, collaboration, innovation begin!
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